July 8, 2019

Monday morning was a rough one. Even though my back is one thin layer away from touching the dirt, I did not want to get out of my sleeping bag. I woke up a little before everyone else in my tent and I saw the light outside of my tent and I turned around and fell back asleep for another few minutes. I was woken up by Jess’s smacks against our tent and her saying “wake up its 6:30!” Once breakfast was finished, we headed out to start our next adventure.
            A few bumpy minutes later, we arrived at our destination. Potato Hill… and no there aren’t any potatoes here, I was sad too. But there was a huge round hill filled with giant and fluffy pine trees. As we drove into the new area that we would discover, we saw these old rugged outhouses and sheds that were tearing down. Some of them were in a triangle shape and they were a green/turquoise color that added a little bit of comfort in these new forests. We were given our tasks and split into three different groups and started out on our hike. Our task was to find ten different wildflowers that we were attracted to.
            Promptly finishing our team huddle, we headed to towards the hill. As we started hiking, we encountered tree stumps, dry flowers, trees that had been burned, new flowers that were blooming, and some huckleberry bushes. While I was walking around, all I could think about was how lovely it was to see the beauty amongst the living and dead plant life. Besides almost tripping over all the tree roots along that trail, we spoke about how the land is not what it used to be. The Yakama people were accustomed to a livelier looking forest and in particular bouncier huckleberry bushes compared to  what we saw today. We didn’t end up finishing the hike due to some snake eggs that Jazmin found when we were about fifty feet away from being at the top. We headed down the hill and towards the crew.
When we got to the bottom, Monet showed me this old abandoned shed that were built many years ago as a community resource for families that forgot something when they went back to the woods. She mentioned that at one point that shed held things like water, canned food, and other items that might be needed in case a family might be in need. There were other signs that buildings like this existed but now all one can see is the foundation that was once laid there. 

Life Lesson:
New Adventures are often hard to get accustomed to but they often bring in a lot of memories.


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