July 13, 2019

Today we had a pretty relaxed day. Jessica let us sleep in until eight and let me tell you that we all took advantage of that and we slept in until the time that Jessica woke us up. Once we got the breakfast shift out of the way we grouped up into our trail camera groups. After the groups formed, we started walking towards parts of the woods where we were going to want to have a camera posted. My team and I walked towards the river and posted a camera that directed towards the river in hopes of catching an animal drinking water. Then we proceeded to walk into the woods where we found a path way that had four separate routes and met in the middle where there were many elk feces (according to my teammates because honestly, I have no idea what Elk feces look like). Once we completed our trail cameras, we waited for the rest of teams to meet at the campsite.
Once we all arrived at the campsite, we worked on our blogs for a good while. Once we had completed our tasks we packed up and headed towards Lava Lake Resort to go for a swim and showers. When we arrived at the lake, we split into two separate groups, a group stayed at Little Lava Lake and the rest went to the resort to start their six-minute showers (oh yeah, we have become pros -more or less- at showering under ten minutes). The day was perfect Lake weather and the lake was a perfect temperature. We noticed that the other group had been taking a while, so we messaged them and asked if everything was alright- but we got no answer.
Five minutes later we saw the other van pull up at the lake. When they arrived, we instantly knew something was wrong with our peers. Their faces weren’t as bright as before and they were silent. It was until later on that we found out what had occurred from one of our peers. They had some disturbing racial incidents happen and it really made most of us upset that we had to experience that even away from home.
Life Lesson:
Don’t let the ignorant racist people stop you from enjoying life.  


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